As a backdrop I created a timelaps-recording of a landscape North of Amsterdam where typically the old dutch masters would paint to capture the special quality of the light. The timelaps recording lasted for a whole day. The projected result was a sequence of 150 images, mapped on a dept sensor in the middle of the space. So walking towards the screen resulted in stepping through the day in time. Movement in one of the eight sensors more or less located towards the corners of the kube resulted in accurately moving through a series of images of my hands in the landscape pointing out the size and location of these sensors if they were places synchronous in the landscape if the frame of the landscape was not a window but a mirror. I was playing with the notion of matter and antimatter and poetic license.
I plan to reversion this work with some state of the art high definition cameras and some proper post production in After effects. Back in 1995 when I created this version I worked with Photodesk on my Acorn RiskPC with 8 megabyte Ram, that was a different ballgame!