Een danser tast de ruimte af en componeert zo muziek. Klanken die worden opgeroepen liggen besloten in vooraf bepaalde locaties.
Zo is de componist ook de choreograaf en de danser tegelijk de musicus. Alle media in één discipline.
Doordat de performer in de fysiek lege ruimte een imaginair landschap in klank en beeld oproept en vorm geeft door middel van handelingen wordt de toeschouwer meegenomen in een totale onderdompeling. In correct English "An Immersive Media Experience."
As a dancer, performer I wanted to play and control my synthesizer from within the dance.
While listening to the sonic landscapes like 'Homer Hossa' created by Yello / Boris Blank and Dieter Meier
While listening to the sonic landscapes like 'Homer Hossa' created by Yello / Boris Blank and Dieter Meier
as well as listening to Brian Eno on Albums like 'On land' and 'Apollo' in the early eighties
as well as listening to Brian Eno on Albums like 'On land' and 'Apollo' in the early eighties
I had the desire to literally step in those landscapes and perform my Thai Chi based movements.
It came to my mind that it was feasible to control certain aspects of electronic synthesized sounds in real time with gestures seen through a videocamera, allowing the dancer/performer to create the music from the dance instead of dancing to music. This was back 1985.
It came to my mind that it was feasible to control certain aspects of electronic synthesized sounds in real time with gestures seen through a videocamera, allowing the dancer/performer to create the music from the dance instead of dancing to music. This was back 1985.